Giving Through Your Will or Trust
By including Redwings in your will or trust through a Charitable Bequest, you will be able to continue providing a second chance for abused and neglected horses. Legacy gifts have a tremendous impact on Redwings’ ability to rescue and rehabilitate more horses in need.
Your first step, once you decide to leave a gift, is to contact your attorney or estate planner to discuss what is right for you. Please read Redwings’ sample language to discuss with your advisor.
There are three main types of bequests: percentage, residual and specific.
The Percentage Bequest is a bequest of a certain percentage of your estate or of another asset. You designate that a specific percentage, anywhere from 1 to 100% of your estate, is left to Redwings. The greatest advantage of this structure is that, as your estate increases in value over time, your gift will keep pace and your support for the horses will grow.
The Residual Bequest is a bequest of all or a portion of the remainder or residue of your estate after specific and other bequests have been distributed. By naming Redwings as the beneficiary of this residue, you simplify the probate process and ensure that the remainder of your estate is allocated to care for rescued horses.
The Specific Bequest is a bequest for a specific item or dollar amount.
Other Planned Giving Options:
The Gift of Life Insurance naming Redwings as owner and beneficiary of a fully funded life insurance policy entitles the donor to a deduction equal to his/her cost basis in the policy, or its replacement cost, whichever is less. A gift of a policy that has not been fully funded provides an income tax deduction approximately equal to the policy’s surrender cash value. Continued payments by the donor to cover the cost of premiums are deductible to the donor for income tax purposes.
Retained Real Estate is a property such as a personal residence or farm, and when given to Redwings the donor retains the right to live in or use the property for life. Upon the death of the donor, the property passes to Redwings.
Retirement Plan Designation names Redwings as the beneficiary of a retirement plan and will provide an estate with a charitable estate tax deduction and avoid income tax on the appreciation in the plan.
Gifts of Securities are non-cash gifts of stock certificates. Your financial services provider would transfer the certificate(s) to Redwings’ security account at which time, once the process is completed, Redwings will have the option to keep the stock active or sell it for cash value.