Level 1

Redwings Arrival:

Summer 2022
Bay Tobiano
Tequila and Wildfire came to Redwings in the summer of 2022. Tequila and Wildfire were living with five other horses on a huge ranch and had over 200 acres to roam on. Unfortunately, his owner fell on hard times and soon was unable to afford feed for the horses, and his ranch was foreclosed on. The owner of a neighboring ranch purchased the property and immediately had the sheriff's office come out and evict the tenants on the property. The new property owner also informed the ranch hand that he intended to shoot the horses if they were not removed from the property in the next week. The ranch hand jumped into action and was able to find homes for 4 of the horses. Then he reached out to Redwings about the remaining three horses. Redwings immediately picked up Tequila and another horse named Chief, but Wildfire had no interest in being caught. It took another week for the ranch hand and friends to catch Wildfire. Unfortunately, help arrived too late for Chief, he was suffering from very advanced cancer, and after seeking advice from 2 different veterinarians, we made the tough decision to humanely euthanize Chief. Tequila and Wildfire are happy and healthy and available as companion horses.