Level 2

Redwings Arrival:

Dark Bay
Mysty is an adorable thoroughbred mare that has a pony-like presence. Mysty raced five times in California and showed promise on the turf. In a morning workout, Mysty sustained a slab fracture of the 3rd carpal bone (knee). The fracture was not displaced, and the cartilage damage was minimal, so the track veterinarian was very optimistic that with surgery, Mysty would make a full recovery. After discussing Mysty’s temperament and loveability, her owners agreed to surgically repair the fracture by placing a screw through the fracture line. Mysty had surgery on December 3, 2014, and started her recovery at Golden Gate Fields. Mysty’s surgeon was very confident that her knee would be sound for a moderately athletic career. After a few months of rehabilitation and observation, Mysty’s owners placed her in the CARMA placement program.
On September 9, 2015, CARMA placed Mysty at Redwings to complete her rehabilitation and hopefully find a forever home and second career. Mysty finished her stall rest and hand-walking in December of 2015 and was turned out in a pasture with Circe and Savannah. Today she is sound, happy, healthy, and with her forever home. Thanks to the dedication of CARMA and Mysty’s owners, Mysty has a very amazing life at Redwings.